Romania to Virginia

Season #3

Dr. Denise Billen-Mejia

Dr Anca Sisu

Doctor Anca Sisu was determined to come to the US and persue post-graduate training.  So much so that she spent her clinical training years in medical school also training as a nurse and, in fact worked for several years as a registered nurse before starting her family medicine/integrative medicine residency.  One determined lady!

Somewhere in this conversation we werechatting about the salt-mines (popular with tourists!) so if you'd like to take a look at that

If you are a healthcare professional yourself and find an episode relevant to your own work you will be able to apply for free CME credit (reciprocal CPD for non- US clinicians) here  

Not a medical professional? Of course, you are also welcome to subscribe and listen but please remember, while we are physicians, we are not YOUR physicians. Please consult with your own medical professional before acting on anything you hear on this, or any other, podcast.  

Please contact me at: [email protected] with any comments or suggestions