Myth, Magic, Medicine, Season 3 E 10 Peru to Texas

Season #3

Hosted by Denise BIllen-Mejia

Guest Harry Nima Zagarra 

Meet Harry Nima Zegarra, a seasoned Pulmonary & Critical Care physician, shrewd real estate investor, and entrepreneur who loves to help fellow doctors recognize the value of real estate investment,  as he tells the story of his medical school, residency and group practice journey so far.  Along with Mitsi, his wife,  whom he met at Medical School in Peru, Harry has moved from Lima, Peru, through Pennsylvania and Virginia, and now, with the addition of two young sons, lives and works in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

The whole family loves exploring the outdoors, basketball, and soccer plus Harry has taken up long-distance running.

You can reach Harry through his website

or email:  [email protected]

If you are a healthcare professional yourself and find this episode relevant to your own work you will be able to apply for free CME credit (reciprocal CPD for non-US clinicians ) here 

Not a medical professional? Of course, you are also welcome to subscribe and listen but please remember, while we are physicians, we are not YOUR physicians. Please consult with your own medical professional before acting on anything you hear on this or any other podcast. 

Please contact me at: [email protected] with any comments or suggestions