Neuroscience & Hypnosis

Season #3

Denise Billen-Mejia website

Martin Furber website

Episode 5 – Season 3

 Hosted by Denise Billen-Mejia in Delaware USA and Martin Furber in Preston UK. Denise is a retired Medical Doctor turned Consulting Hypnotist. Martin is a Solution-Focused Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist.

They have a weekly catch-up on Zoom and turn it into a podcast for you to enjoy. It’s a bit like dropping in on a personal call between two professional friends and colleagues. No scripts, no pre-agenda, just a conversation about what is happening, or what they have been doing in their respective practices on either side of the Atlantic.

This week’s episode finds them initially talking about Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor – which may sound complicated, but is in fact something first written about some years ago by John Ratey, in his book ‘Spark’. It’s all about how the physical actions we undertake, have an effect on the chemicals we produce in our brains, and how this is relevant to hypnosis.

This led on to them talking about neuroscience in much more detail, with Denise’s explaining many terms in everyday language, thanks to her medical background.

The conversation delved into current theories on Epigenetics and if trauma could be passed from one generation to the next, physically affecting our brains.

Typically, the conversation was wide-ranging and included personal anecdotes from their respective practices on either side of the Atlantic. The main topic, their passion, hypnotherapy, is always at the core of each episode, and this one is no different.

The latter part of their conversation finds them talking about how the various methods of brain imaging have changed over the decades, and how with currently available equipment, it is possible to examine what actually happens in the brain during hypnosis.

Both are professionals in their field, with busy and successful practices. There is no mind control, no ‘woo-woo’ and definitely no swinging watches!

If you’d like to know what two hypnotherapists talk about with each other, join them and find out.

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